Nashville, Murfreesboro and Mt. Juliet TN
Question from Nashville Tennessee Resident about spiders:
All this spider talk has made me a little nervous. I was watching TV last night when down from my ceiling pops this tiny, yellowish spider like he was saying hello. I freaked out and swatted and don’t know where he landed. Is this a spider I should be concerned about?
Answer from Ameri Care Services owner and general manager Tom Swett
Without seeing the spider, I can’t be certain, but sounds like you were paid a visit by the Yellow Sac Spider. Like most pests, as the weather gets colder and it becomes more difficult to forage, they tend to move indoors where it’s warm and where food is plentiful. Although the opinion that this spider is dangerous to humans has been debated, their bites sting and the affected area may redden and become sore, but no tissue loss like with the Brown Recluse Spider. They’re not overly aggressive and generally bite only when threatened, but they are night hunters, so they’re usually out and about when you can’t or won’t see them. As always seek medical attention if you have been bitten. If you want to control this bug or others pest problems, give us a call or email us today!
Ameri Care Services, Inc. Main Office
Physical Address – 526 South Walnut Street, Murfreesboro, TN 37133
Mailing Address – PO Box 1032, Murfreesboro, TN 37133
Phone: 1 (615) 893-7111
Toll-Free: 1 (877) 506-3029
Nashville Office
226 Leonard Ave Ste C, Nashville, TN 37205
Phone: 615-823-8224
Toll Free: 877-506-3029